May long weekend

The most epic weekend known to man (also known as 'epic may long') - Ridiculous camping experiences where: Copious amount of alchohol are consumed despite the governments attempt to make it a dry weekend through various drinking games or through the insane ability to consume an inhuman amount of alchohol Lengedary Adventures are created, which in turn create stories which are told, retold, changed to something utterly ridiculous, but not denied, and reminised once a week at a weekely get together in a place where cheap wings are sold Usually a large amount of nakedness occurs as a result of large amounts of alchohol or most usually the desire to go skinny dipping hopefully meeting up with a group of girls also enjoying there epic may long
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to May long weekend. Some of the top words include: Shak Foo'd, 151, hamhocked, pie, booze hound, and 25 more.